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Most people want to be healthy, but what that means in terms of food and activity isn’t clear and is often filled with misconceptions. At Rescue, we create health communications to bridge that gap, using evidence-based messaging and targeted media campaigns to connect with hard-to-reach populations.
Using SAVI Messages to Drive Behavior Change
In our nutrition campaigns, we focus on showing communities how they can be healthier within the confines of their realities. Whether the audience faces barriers related to food access, budget constraints, time, convenience, and more, we provide them with realistic steps they can take toward healthy behaviors. We approach our messaging through our evidence-based SAVI model, which ensures that each campaign message is Specific, Attainable, Viable, and Impactful.
For example, in “Tasty Family Dinner,” created for the Colorado Department of Human Services “Eat Better Together” campaign, we encourage audiences to swap a fast food burrito for healthy burrito bowls with cauliflower rice. This substitution is similar in preparation time and price but much more nutritious.
You can learn more about Rescue’s SAVI model by watching our educational video “How to Convince People to Eat More Fruits and Vegetables.”
Connecting Digitally with Target Populations
Many nutrition efforts center around in-person or community outreach, but this model is much more difficult in a post-COVID world. We leverage digital media to connect with the hardest-to-reach audiences like rural populations, multicultural audiences, multigenerational families, and more, messaging them through the channels they’re on the most. The key is to make sure message tailoring and media targeting are aligned to deliver relevant messages to each target audience. Remember, there’s no nutrition message that is applicable and relevant to “everyone.”
Meet Our Group Management Director of Nutrition Programs
As a Group Management Director, Dina oversees all nutrition, physical activity, and obesity prevention work at Rescue, such as our work with the California Department of Public Health, Special Olympics, and the Colorado Department of Human Services. Her unique experience working in both the commercial and public health space has given her the opportunity to navigate the unique challenges of today’s behavior change marketing climate and identify creative solutions. She’s also a registered yoga instructor who is very passionate about sustaining a healthy life. If you'd like to learn more about bringing a nutrition program to your community, you can reach out to Dina at |
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