Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, it was unsafe to conduct in-person research. While participant safety is every scientist’s top priority, we also needed audience feedback and insights to develop effective programs.
In response, the Rescue research team successfully transitioned all in-person research to online environments using virtual focus group technology, video conferencing for interviews, and multimedia surveys for expanded quantitative studies. By starting with proprietary online recruitment methods to find at-risk populations, we can now conduct research online from start-to-finish with specific audiences.
Our team uses hyper-targeted social media ads to cost-effectively recruit participants from targeted populations, such as rural, urban, recent drug users, low-income, and multicultural, ranging from teens through older adults. By avoiding overused research panels, our digital recruitment tactics have enabled us to exceed our recruitment goals and continue acquiring the insights that drive all of our campaigns.
If you’re trying to transition to online, digital research in response to the current health climate, our team is here to support you. Please contact us if you’d like to learn more or visit our website to read about our in-house research team and strategies.
Our campaigns drive real behavior change because they target highly specific audiences and appeal to their distinct values. Watch this educational video to learn more about leveraging psychographic teen segmentation in smoking, vaping, nutrition, substance abuse, and sexual health.